Feb. 3, 2025 – Mountain Valley Pipeline LLC is seeking to amend MVP Southgate’s existing Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a modified version of the project that includes a shorter route, fewer crossings of waterbodies, and a wider diameter pipe than was initially proposed in 2018.
MVP Southgate will tie into the Mountain Valley Pipeline near Chatham, Virginia, and transport natural gas via underground 30-inch diameter pipe to delivery points in Rockingham County, North Carolina, to serve PSNC and Duke. The proposed 31-mile route passes through a portion of the Southern Virginia Mega Site at Berry Hill, which is one of the largest business parks on the East Coast. As an open-access pipeline, the proposed pipeline also may provide additional access to other new and existing end users in proximity to the route.
To date, nearly all of North Carolina’s natural gas supply is provided by a single interstate transmission system. The MVP Southgate project will diversify the state’s natural gas supply and bolster North Carolina’s energy and economic security. This project will also meet growing demand for affordable, reliable and lower-carbon energy for electricity generation, commercial and manufacturing uses, and home heating and cooking.
The project will also carry significant economic benefits. Construction is targeted to begin in 2026 to achieve a target in-service date of mid-2028. Construction is expected to support nearly 1,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs in Virginia and North Carolina. Once operational, the project will help meet the region’s energy needs while also generating more than $1.4 million in new annual ad valorem tax revenue to communities along the route.